
Rich Epstein Rhode Island Corporate Photographer

Corporate photography is a form of commercial photography. It covers everything from staff headshots, and custom stock photography, to event photography in the corporate sector, and photographs of products and services. A corporate photographer specializes in shooting for businesses with an emphasis on the people, products and places that drive the company’s brand. A corporate photographer plays a significant role in helping a business communicate their value and their story. The company’s story is told through photographs and perhaps video as well. Corporate photography is responsible for the first impression of that company. Every company must create a brand message of who they are and what they are all about. Besides products and headshots, the brand message speaks of their culture as a company. If the company wants to emphasize that they are a big family like team then some of the photos could be of company outings showing the comradery for example.

What To Look For In A Corporate Photographer
Look for a photographer who is specializes in this type of photography. Check their portfolio! When you look at their work, does it convey a message to you?
Corporate photography is about communication with the client to fully understand the message of their brand. Find a photographer who listens as well as can offer sound advice for your job. Once you’ve developed that relationship with a corporate photographer, it makes it easier to work in the future. The photographer already understands your mission.

Click Here to See My Corporate Photography Gallery

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